
From the Editors & Feedback

Posted by at 10 October, at 07 : 54 AM Print


Fall Delights

With the change of season upon us, Estiator looks  at some changes taking place in the industry.  Our cover story highlights the Greek and Mediterranean fast-casual concepts gathering steam as Americans turn to higher-quality options that suit both their fast-paced lifestyles and their desire to eat healthy. On the operational side, we’re bringing you the latest on the Fight for Fifteen movement, which is driving up hospitality wages significantly, and how restaurants are preparing and dealing with the challenge. And in this month’s Managing for Success, our resident restaurant consultant guides us on how to prepare for change, strategically. We celebrate the season of apple pie and pumpkin spice by getting seasonal as well, taking you on a trip to the Spinning Wheel, situated along a beautiful rural Connecticut route known for its views of the fall foliage, in this month’s Restaurant Spotlight; and in The Shift Drink, our Cocktail Chemist, Dimitris Zahariadis, shares a spiced beverage to warm your cockles. To satisfy your sweet tooth, check out how American restaurant goers feel about their desserts in our data-driven By the Numbers column. Happy autumn from all of us!




Dear Estiator,

I found your article on Assyrtiko in your August edition extremely informative and interesting. I have seen through wine lists in finer restaurants that this wonderful and unique varietal is making an impact on the wine world outside of Greece.  I am excited that it is helping to put Greek wines on the map, which is something that has long been lacking. Since reading your article I have also learned that that there is a grower in Napa Valley that has been cultivating the assyrtiko grape and will soon have  a vintage ready for the market. Congratulations to your magazine for helping to educate your subscribers on the options available.


Rigel Shaholi

Executive Chef, Da Capo of Avon,



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