
From the Editors

Posted by at 11 April, at 09 : 13 AM Print

What About April?

The great poet T.S. Elliot wrote “April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain.” The lines (from “The Waste Land”) were crafted as a postscript of sorts to the first world war. With war in Europe once again threatening global stability and peace, one wonders how much we’ve learned from our past.

In war and peace, business moves on, if out of necessity only. And so, we look with concern at the fate of the sufferers while carrying on with our day-to-day; making adjustments as necessitated by the larger picture, and the immediate needs that surround us.

Oh, and there’s Pascha, with its perennial message of hope, reminding us that the suffering of Christ’s passion is the necessary precursor to rebirth, to salvation, to life eternal.

As for this issue of Estiator, it touches on the past, present, and future, with some helpful hints to bridge us to what’s ahead.

“What’s Next for Toronto’s Greek Town” finds senior Estiator contributor Michael Kaminer venturing north to the land of maple leaves, ice hockey, and extreme politeness as the locals pontificate on how the neighborhood has changed and what lies in store for its future.

In “Where Pizza Is Greek: A Look into New England-Style Pan Pizza and Its Origins,” longtime Estiator contributor Constantine N. Kolitsas takes us to the capital of American pizza, and makes the case for what has been coined “Greek pizza,” introducing us to some of the business’s legends as he searches for the origins of this regional food phenomenon.

In his “Managing for Success” column, Kolitsas looks at how restaurant technology tools and services have developed over the last two years of pandemic, and how it’s time to integrate those elements.

Finally, in a special report, “Delivery: Tips for Dealing with Third-Party Partners,” Kolitsas shares his insights into how third-party delivery services have seemingly made the jump from being bloodsuckers to actually helping restaurants grow their business—and their profits. His tips here help restaurateurs navigate the dos and don’ts of negotiating with those services.

Enjoy, dear reader, with our wishes for a blessed Pascha!

The Editorial and Publishing Staff


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