
From the Editors

Posted by at 10 August, at 04 : 12 AM Print

Living in the Sunshine

Happy August, dear readers! Maybe you’re on vacation and are catching up on this issue in September, or maybe you’re busy serving vacationers; either way, we hope this issue finds you well. Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August, says American writer Jenny Han, and she may have something there… Long days, swimming pools, the sounds of frogs at night, and the best moon of the year are some of the things that make summer sing. Anyone who has grown up on a farm knows that August is the time to reap what’s been sown, with the harvest of summer’s vegetables filling our kitchens and tables. On a more obscure food note, it was a day in August (the sixth, to be precise) that the Earl of Sandwich requested his meat be served between two slices of bread, forever changing the way we lunch. For this reason, August is known as National Sandwich Month. And also National Panini month, which, of course, is just a sandwich with an Italian accent. And August is the only month that starts on a day of the week that is not shared by any other month of the year (unless we’re in a leap year).Here in the pages of Estiator, August is about “The Inside Story of The Gyro Project,” a new venture by young and proven restaurant veterans George Tenedios and Spiro Kokkosis (the former, a son of Café Metro and Kyma’s founder).

In other pages, restaurant guru Constantine Kolitsas waxes philosophical about the art and science of management in his monthly “Managing for Success” column, while Greek correspondent Gina Kallitsitakes us to Zakynthos for her most recent restaurant spotlight, and samples some honey in its comb form in her Greek products section (both in our Greek language pages). And if you’re hungry, make sure to turn to our Catch of the Day, where we chow down on some nice summertime rainbow trout. An English poet and philhellene (he died fighting against the Turks in the Greek War of Independence) once wryly noted that the English winter ends in July, only to commence in August. Of course, it was Ralph Waldo Emerson, another American literary figure, who said August is the time to “Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea, Drink in the wild air.” Thankfully, our summers are a bit longer (although they can never be long enough), offering us the opportunity to live in the sunshine for another 31 days. And so, please, enjoy your August, and don’t forget to use sunblock

The Editorial and Publishing Staff


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