
From the Editors

Posted by at 10 December, at 07 : 36 AM Print

Twas, ’Twill Be

’Twas the night before Christmas,

when all through the diner,

not a creature was stirring, not

even a driver.

The stockings were hung by the

host stand with care,

in hopes that St. Nicholas soon

would be there.

The line cooks were nestled all

snug in their beds,

while visions of omelets danced

in their heads.

And chef in his toque, and I

checking my watch,

had decided to sit down for a

holiday scotch.

When out on the front steps we

heard a quiet clatter,

Looking out from the counter

I tried to see what was the matter.

Away to the kitchen, chef made

a quick dash,

while I settled the credit cards

and counted the cash.

’Twas the mail had arrived: bills,

invites, and junk,

so we poured one more scotch

(although not to get drunk),

When, what to my wondering eyes

should appear,

but the December Estiator hailing

holiday cheer.

From kinsmen and friends

were messages and greetings,

taking our minds off tickets,

reservations, and seatings.

Beyond the festivities, the pages

did flip,

as chef and I marveled while

pouring another nip:

“Now Kaminer, now Kolitsas!

the contributors came,

On Pizza! On Service!

and New Arrivals by name!

To the year ahead’s trends,

To the flip of the page,

We reached for the top shelf,

where the scotch was well-aged.

To the back of the magazine,

all written in Greek,

we toasted the month that passed,

and oh, what a week.

amid laughter and friendship,

the whisky it flowed,

clinking our glasses with one

more for the road

Putting aside the rhyme (and with due credit to Clement Clarke Moore for penning the holiday classic), all of us at Estiator extend the warmest wishes for a blessed Christmas. We extend our heartfelt thanks for your support of our 30-plus year mission to bring information, insight, and fellowship to our devoted readers, and look forward to another 30-plus years together.

Inside, for this month’s cover story, Senior Contributor Michael Kaminer catches up with industry insiders to pick their brains on what’s in store for the restaurant business in the new year in “The Road Ahead.” Similarly, this month’s Pizza column (“Let the Trend Be Your Friend”) explores trends specific to that segment, with a focus on how healthy options are dominating the pizza conversation.

Editor Constantine Kolitsas offers up insights from his recent tussle with technology in his monthly Managing for Success column, while also contemplating the future of the server position, as the available labor pool contracts, in this month’s Service 101 column, “A Service Sector in Transition.”

And Athens correspondent Gina Kallitsi visits Estiatorio Onio in the Syntagma section of the Greek capital, followed up by an introduction to some very healthy Greek products made from various nut butters.

Until next month, have a very Merry Christmas, and please celebrate safely!

The Editorial and Publishing Staff


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